Fishing Derby

The Caughnawana Fishing Derby was an annual competition open for all CFHC Members and their Guests to score their ‘best catch of the season’, in the spirit of good sportsmanship and comraderie.  The official scoreboard is located in the Clubhouse Dining Room, for all to view.  Youth are encouraged to join in this competition.

As of the 2012 AGM, The Board has decided to ‘retire’ the officiation process of the Derby and allow members to simply “post & boast” their best catch(s) on the Derby board, at their own discretion, and on their honour pledge.

The Rules, historically, are outlined below for your convenience:

The Rules

1.) Length (in inches)

2.) Weight (in pounds)

3.) Fishers Name, Date & Water Location.

Please be reminded that caught and released fish can qualify for the Fish Derby.

Take a picture and/or measure and weigh the fish.  Witnesses can verify at their peril.

The Fish Derby will include and open category for:  Speckle Trout, Grey Trout, Pickerel, and Pike.

Bragging Rights are granted in perpetuity and are priceless.

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